Engaging, effective + sustainable online experiences.
We work hand-in-hand with businesses to craft custom websites that bring your brand to life, while considering your user, how they find you and the energy required to keep your website alive. Did we mention the internet accounts for 3.7% of global emissions (aka the equivalent of Germany or all air traffic in the world? Esh).
We’re big fans of the sustainable website manifesto and apply these principles at every opportunity. To find out more, have a squiz through blog one and blog two of our Sustainable Website Design series.
But you can’t manage what you don’t measure - start by popping your website through Ecograder or the Website Carbon Calculator to see how you score.
Because we believe in unique brand experiences it's best you get in touch to chat through your website requirements, but here’s a wee rundown of what’s in it for you.
Website Design Discovery Workshop to identify your needs, wants and wishes
Sitemap and wireframes designed with best practice, your business, user experience and sustainable website design principles in mind
Search engine optimisation (SEO) launch strategy and implementation
Search engine optimised website copy
Design and build
Green hosting and ongoing maintenance
Google set up including Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics and Google Search Console
Ongoing search engine + sustainability optimisation
Website Design Discovery Workshop to identify your needs, wants and wishes
Sitemap and wireframes designed with best practice, your business, user experience and sustainable website design principles in mind
Search engine optimisation (SEO) launch strategy and implementation
Search engine optimised website copy
Design and build
Green hosting and ongoing maintenance
Google set up including Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics and Google Search Console
Ongoing search engine + sustainability optimisation